Quake3 was the last id software engine to be written in C (the development team moved to C++ with Doom3). Quake III codename Trinity does not come from the Matrix movie but rather from the "Trinity River in Dallas" (source: http://www.firingsquad.com/features/carmack/page12.asp) Almost no usage of libraries: huffman.c md4.c etc... $ cloc code common http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.53 T=6.0 s (93.2 files/s, 59328.3 lines/s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C 340 38573 60515 196318 C/C++ Header 157 6594 7975 24670 Objective C 12 886 744 3128 Perl 4 1278 2954 2798 C++ 8 725 724 2438 make 3 218 227 1791 Assembly 7 219 282 1150 DOS Batch 13 39 10 475 Bourne Shell 8 61 48 305 HTML 1 6 0 277 CSS 1 0 0 207 XSLT 1 28 2 202 XML 1 0 0 95 Teamcenter def 3 0 0 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 559 48627 73481 233862 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Twice the LOC of Quake2 - No asm optimized routines (since no software renderer). Load Visual Studio 2008 Remove source control solution binding Switch to release Compiled: Workspace projects: =================== - botlib botlib\Release\botlib.lib - cgame Release\cgamex86.dll - game Release\qagamex86.dll - q3_ui Release\uix86.dll - quake3 Release\quake3.exe - renderer renderer\Release\renderer.lib - splines splines\Release\Splines.lib - ui Not building (would build: uix86_new.dll) this project is build via cpp.exe,lcc.exe and q3asm.exe instead Note: The demo comes with quake3.exe and 3 bytecode packages in pak0.pk3: vm/cgame.qvm vm/qagame.qvm vm/ui.qvm Speed up building process ? Quake3 first contact and attempt to compile: 2>.\win32\winquake.rc(10) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'winres.h' - winres.h cannot be located: Express Version has no MFC/ATL, this is where winres.h is. Build all qvm files: QVM: game,cgame, ui Now if you want to build Using nmake from Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt Build cpp - "outp" is a microsoft function today, this will lead to an error from the compiler -> #define outp win32outp in cpp.h - memmove is part of win32 environment -> #ifndef _WIN32 in unix.c make lburg //Help to generate the Backend code generator md -> c make rcc //build rcc, tranform all md to c with previously built lburg vi s Q: What is the video format and how it is played. A: RoQ file format from "The 11th hour" game. Used after Graeme Devine, the creator of the format joined id Software, the RoQ file format has been in use in every game the company has released such as Quake III, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and DOOM 3. While the format is limited and much lower quality than MPEG and Indeo Video, it was presumedly preferred by id Software because of the lack of royalties, the lack of patent liability that presents a serious problem with most video formats, and the absence of complex platform-specific APIs. More here: http://www.modwiki.net/wiki/ROQ_(file_form Quake3 VM, funny comments: vm.c: /* VM_DllSyscall Dlls will call this directly rcg010206 The horror; the horror. */ Explanations by Brian Hook http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake3/bwh_gdc99.txt Brian Hook quake3 gdc Quake III Arena Shader Manual http://graphics.stanford.edu/courses/cs448-00-spring/q3ashader_manual.pdf Quake III makes extensive usage of Cyclic Redundancy Check, this article is amazing to help understanding it: http://www.ross.net/crc/download/crc_v3.txt Three great things in Quake3: - Virtual Machine - IA - Shader system - Network system Q3 bezier curves: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/131755/curved_surfaces_using_bzier_.php?print=1 Amazing how much was pushed in the virtual machine: There is nothing in Quake3 loop that triggers the rendition, this is done from the Virtual Machine calling a system call. Trinity idTech3 materialized the lack of interest in building game engine what would be licensed, leaving it to Epic. idTech3 was an engine with the sole purpose to power Quake3, not much was really re-usable. In a lot of regards it may have been the final act of the vision that John Carmack exposed to Michael Abrasn about virtual words. Q3ASM.EXE : =========== lame hashfunction for table symbol LCC bytecode is CISC which mean that all instruction have different size depending on the parameters: Q: Why specify jump offset in terms of "# instruction offset" instead of a byte offset ? This requires a special operation when loading in order to transform instruction offset to byte offset :( ! As a result in Quake3, (vm_interpreted.c) when a VM is loaded and is intended to be interpreted or compiled on loading time, a translation table is also created: vm.instructionPointer[] so instruction offset are converted to byteoffset. JMP is then possible. A: Write the bytecode offset instead of the instruction offset would have prevented compiling to native platform. First pass is a big waste of CPU ressource since it is doing all the job and throwing everything aways except for the symbol definition. Q3 RADIANT : ============ Problems : - Missing glaux.h - C++ scope abuse for(int i=0; i < .....) { } for(i=0 ; i<....) //I is not declared and should not be valide here { } Even when quake3.exe needs to refresh the screen, it simply send a message to cgame vm. Amusingly the cgame vm uses a quake3.exe system call to call the OpenGL rendering routine 3 Virtual machines: =================== vm_t *cgvm; // interface to cgame dll or vm vm_t *uivm; // interface to ui dll or vm vm_t *gvm = NULL; // game virtual machine // bk001212 init cgvm Client side vm, renderer gvm Bots and Server side vm uivm GUI vm Q: Where are the virtual machine created ? VM_Create A: "cgame" vm is command triggered CL_Snd_Restart_f CL_Vid_Restart_f CL_InitCGame cgvm = VM_Create( "cgame", CL_CgameSystemCalls, interpret ); A: "ui"vm is command triggered CL_Vid_Restart_f or Com_Init CL_StartHunkUsers CL_InitUI uivm = VM_Create( "ui", CL_UISystemCalls, interpret ); A: "game" vm is command triggered SV_MapRestart_f or SV_Map_f SV_SpawnServer SV_InitGameProgs gvm = VM_Create( "qagame", SV_GameSystemCalls, Cvar_VariableValue( "vm_game" ) ); Note: KEy events are either sent to the cgvm or uivm depending which one is declared as catcher (cls.keyCatchers) cl_keys.c cgvm CG_DRAW_ACTIVE_FRAME path: Start on the quake3.exe side SCR_UpdateScreen (client code) SCR_DrawScreenField CL_CGameRendering VM_Call( cgvm, CG_DRAW_ACTIVE_FRAME, cl.serverTime, stereo, clc.demoplaying ); On the VM side: case CG_DRAW_ACTIVE_FRAME: CG_DrawActiveFrame { CG_DrawActive { trap_R_RenderScene( &cg.refdef ); syscall( CG_R_RENDERSCENE, fd ); } } Back on the quake3.exe case CG_R_RENDERSCENE: re.RenderScene( VMA(1) ); return 0; Mirrors: Scene is renderered multiple times... RENDERER: ========= A good article about Quake3 lightmaps: http://www.gameversity.com/index.php?action=showtutorial&id=9&PHPSESSID=hj5udtb9l8gue2hk31kmn921b7 Seems to be surface based (just like dEngine ;) ) ! re (refexport_t) is initalized in CL_InitRef. re.RenderScene is called in cgame vm via the CG_R_RENDERSCENE CL_CgameSystemCalls re.RenderScene RE_RenderScene (In order to deal with mirrors, this may be called several times) R_RenderView { tr.viewCount++; R_RotateForViewer (); R_SetupFrustum (); R_GenerateDrawSurfs(); R_SortDrawSurfs( tr.refdef.drawSurfs + firstDrawSurf, tr.refdef.numDrawSurfs - firstDrawSurf ); // draw main system development information (surface outlines, etc) R_DebugGraphics(); } TODO: Trace this weird contruct: static int (QDECL *syscall)( int arg, ... ) = (int (QDECL *)( int, ...))-1; void dllEntry( int (QDECL *syscallptr)( int arg,... ) ) { syscall = syscallptr; } SPLINES LIBRARY: ================ Implementing Scripted Cameras in Vanilla Quake 3: http://rfactory.org/camerascript.html BOTS: ===== Seems to have five difficulty levels Q: What are the differences between the levels ? Bot module function pointers are initialized in SV_BotInitBotLib: botlib_export = (botlib_export_t *)GetBotLibAPI( BOTLIB_API_VERSION, &botlib_import ); Q: Does the same thing happen with botlib (aka: triggered in the kernel, passed to the vm and sent back to the kernel module ? A: Yep it works exactly like the renderer crazy loop. MULTIPLAYER: Q: Where is the game connecting for multiplayer, where does it find the list of servers available ? A: Server list are requested from the master server. AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME authorize.quake3arena.com MASTER_SERVER_NAME master.quake3arena.com UPDATE_SERVER_NAME update.quake3arena.com master.quake3arena.com resolves to (Dallas,TX) authorize communication is done with OUT OF BAND datagram: "leading 0xff0xff0xff0xff" Note: ===== A client will be accepted if a valid cdkey was sent by that ip (only) in the last 15 minutes. If no response is received from the authorize server after two tries, the client will be let in anyway. ====> This mean that a server can be modified in order to accept invalid CD Key. Q: Does the authorize server check for the server integrity before it allows it to join the q3 server list ? Client operation for connection in CL_CheckForResend.. CA_CONNECTING, upon challengeResponse received, move to CA_CHALLENGING state CA_CHALLENGING Q: How autorize a Client ? The Server or the Client itself ? A: It seems the client autorize itself by calling the Autority server alone. CA_CONNECTING ->CL_RequestAuthorization: Client..........................................................................Authorize Server ............> ....getKeyAuthorize(challenge,cdkey) > .............. Quake3 seems to have used PunkBuster at some point but PunkBuster is closed source software and all the hooks for it were removed from Quake 3 before the source was released to the public. Note: I was still able to connect to Q3 servers without punkbuster....maybe I was only able to access "non-pure servers". According to Punkbuster wikipedia entry, quake3 arena support has ended...maybe it is open for all now. Network communication are hard to understand with code only. Luckily a few people have done some reverse engineering: http://www.tilion.org.uk/Games/Quake_3/Network_Protocol http://ra.is/unlagged/solution.html http://ilxm.blogspot.com/2011/01/zt-bookofhook-quake3-networking-model.html client sends 0xffffffff getchallenge server replies 0xffffffff challengeResponse this id is used for all subsequent encryption between client and server client sends 0xffffffff connect "" CS is huffman compressed details about client server replies 0xffffffff connectResponse NOTE: The huffman tree is precomputed for a text language. It is note transmitted with every datagram. How is NAT bypassed ? Are they using UDP punching ? VIRTUAL MACHINE : ================= .plan (Aug 16, 1999) I decided to go ahead and try a dynamic code generator to speed up the game interpreters. I was uneasy about it, but the current performance was far enough off of my targets that I didn’t see any other way. The generated code is pretty grim if you look at it, in part due to the security measures (mask and add for each load/store), and in part due to the fact that it is a straight bytecode translation: CLIENT-SERVER : =============== The demo servers have general purpose flood-protection that has caused some confusion. (Nov 16, 1999) Clients are only allowed to make one command a second of any kind. shader system (more here: http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake3/UQ3S) Q3 uses procecural textures defined by "shader scripts". See the Renderman API, as well as: "A Shading Language on Graphics Hardware: The PixelFlow Shading System", Olano, Marc and Anselmo Lastra, UNC Chapel Hill, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 98. (available on the web, as is an earlier 1995 paper). Q3Map2 Shader Manual (http://q3map2.everyonelookbusy.net/shader_manual/ch1.htm#what) Monolitic approach: No need for modularity anymore since there is no single player experience and only renderer is OpenGL. - QVM From: http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake3/UQ3S ([4-1] VM/DLL Handling) However, certain libc and other external C functions (networking etc.) available to a DLL will not be available on the VM. You can't link against any libraries, so every function must be resolved. Functions like strcmp(..), memcpy(..), rand(), etc. must all be implemented directly. Q3A's VM and CGame source will provide code and hooks for all the ones id uses, but mod coders may have to modify their coding styles or provide standalone implementations for missing functions. IA Bots Memory system Inverse square root Lagometer ? THIS ENTRY IS GOLD: http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/quake3/UQ3S README.txt: Not all code is GPL, libs for dealing with PCM,jpeg,md4 are different licences A short summary of the file layout: code/ Quake III Arena source code ( renderer, game code, OS layer etc. ) code/bspc bot routes compiler source code lcc/ the retargetable C compiler ( produces assembly to be turned into qvm bytecode by q3asm ) q3asm/ assembly to qvm bytecode compiler q3map/ map compiler ( .map -> .bsp ) - this is the version that comes with Q3Radiant 200f q3radiant/ Q3Radiant map editor build 200f ( common/ and libs/ are support dirs for radiant ) code projects For cgame: c:\\baseq3\cgamex86.dll For game: c:\\baseq3\qagamex86.dll For q3_ui: c:\\baseq3\uix86.dll Code statistic for entire source: ================================= SanglardFa@ond2c00558095 /cygdrive/c/opt/quake3-1.32b-source $ cloc quake3-1.32b/ 1356 text files. 1183 unique files. 378 files ignored. 1 error: Unable to read: quake3-1.32b/code/quake3.ncb http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.53 T=9.0 s (103.1 files/s, 56369.7 lines/s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C 428 43887 65338 238723 C++ 129 11203 12920 52686 C/C++ Header 308 10563 13269 39019 Objective C 12 886 744 3128 Perl 4 1278 2954 2798 make 6 279 230 2198 HTML 3 176 0 1657 Assembly 7 219 282 1150 DOS Batch 14 39 10 478 Bourne Shell 10 67 50 352 CSS 1 0 0 207 XSLT 1 28 2 202 yacc 1 16 1 185 XML 1 0 0 95 Teamcenter def 3 0 0 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 928 68641 95800 342886 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great link to understand Quake3 virtual machine: FORMAT: http://icculus.org/~phaethon/q3mc/q3vm_specs.html BUILD : http://www.btinternet.com/~AnthonyJ/tutorials/QVM.html HOW IT WORKS: http://www.gamedeception.net/threads/19198-Runtime-QVM-Modification Poking around: MUCH MORE commentaries all over the place: Yummy ! Q: where do we start ? Partial-A: Find the main. A: WinMain is in win_main.c in the quake3 project Engine detect pentium, mmx,3dNow and KNI Background stream file loading does NOTHING (void methods). New C notation convention: leading bracket is on the same line as the "if". Closing bracket is indented NETWORKING : ============ Introduction article by Brian Hook: http://trac.bookofhook.com/bookofhook/trac.cgi/wiki/Quake3Networking Quake 3 Networking Primer: http://www.ra.is/unlagged/network.html Excellent paper about time synchronization for game mirroring: http://warriors.eecs.umich.edu/games/papers/netgames02-tss.pdf Since prediction is in a virtual machime, modders were able to write their own lag compensation mecanisms: http://unlagged.com/ http://www.ra.is/unlagged/faq.html It seems only the OOB (Out of Band) Connect packets are huffman compressed. The huffman compression tree is preprocessed according to what will likely be send. http://www.tilion.org.uk/2011/11/quake-3-network-format/ http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/q3info.txt http://caia.swin.edu.au/reports/070730A/CAIA-TR-070730A.pdf http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Network_Game_Programming-Issue_07_I_bent_my_Wookie.shtml Checking out the renderer stages: Disable entities: r_drawentities 0 Disable HUD : bind j "toggle cg_draw2d" View Lightmaps : r_lightmap 1 View diffuse texture only: 1. Edit tr_shade.c 2. Add GL_Bind( tr.whiteImage ); after // lightmap/secondary pass R_BindAnimatedImage( &pStage->bundle[1] ); in DrawMultitextured Screeshot : /bind F11 screenshotjpeg