Decyphering the Business Card Raytracer
I recently came across Paul Heckbert's business card raytracer.
For those that have never heard of it: It is a very famous challenge in the Computer Graphics field that
started on May 4th, 1984 via a post on
by Paul Heckbert ( More about this in his article "A Minimal Ray Tracer" from the book Graphics Gems IV).
The goal was to produce the source code for a raytracer...that would fit on the back of a business card.
Andrew Kensler's version is mesmerizing and one of the
greatest hack that I have seen. Since I am curious, I decided to deconstruct it: Here is what I understood.
Edit : Andrew Kensler himself commented on Hacker News and adressed/elaborated on my observations: Thanks you so much Andrew :) !
The Business Card Code
#include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> typedef int i;typedef float f;struct v{ f x,y,z;v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x ,y+r.y,z+r.z);}v operator*(f r){return v(x*r,y*r,z*r);}f operator%(v r){return x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}v(){}v operator^(v r ){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r. y-y*r.x);}v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;}v operator!(){return*this*(1/sqrt(*this%* this));}};i G[]={247570,280596,280600, 249748,18578,18577,231184,16,16};f R(){ return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX;}i T(v o,v d,f &t,v&n){t=1e9;i m=0;f p=-o.z/d.z;if(.01 <p)t=p,n=v(0,0,1),m=1;for(i k=19;k--;) for(i j=9;j--;)if(G[j]&1<<k){v p=o+v(-k ,0,-j-4);f b=p%d,c=p%p-1,q=b*b-c;if(q>0 ){f s=-b-sqrt(q);if(s<t&&s>.01)t=s,n=!( p+d*t),m=2;}}return m;}v S(v o,v d){f t ;v n;i m=T(o,d,t,n);if(!m)return v(.7, .6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4);v h=o+d*t,l=!(v(9+R( ),9+R(),16)+h*-1),r=d+n*(n%d*-2);f b=l% n;if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n))b=0;f p=pow(l%r*(b >0),99);if(m&1){h=h*.2;return((i)(ceil( h.x)+ceil(h.y))&1?v(3,1,1):v(3,3,3))*(b *.2+.1);}return v(p,p,p)+S(h,r)*.5;}i main(){printf("P6 512 512 255 ");v g=!v (-6,-16,0),a=!(v(0,0,1)^g)*.002,b=!(g^a )*.002,c=(a+b)*-256+g;for(i y=512;y--;) for(i x=512;x--;){v p(13,13,13);for(i r =64;r--;){v t=a*(R()-.5)*99+b*(R()-.5)* 99;p=S(v(17,16,8)+t,!(t*-1+(a*(R()+x)+b *(y+R())+c)*16))*3.5+p;}printf("%c%c%c" ,(i)p.x,(i)p.y,(i)p.z);}}

The code looks confusing but it compiles and run flawlessly! On my MacBook Air, it takes 27 seconds to generate the image on the right. If you want to run it yourself, save the code in a file named
, open a Terminal window and type:c++ -O3 -o card card.cpp ./card > card.ppm
Business Card Raycaster features
The list of features is impressive :
- The world is made of spheres which are carefully organized.
- There is a floor and it is textured.
- There is a sky and it has a nice gradient.
- Shadows are soft shadows.
- OMG, Depth of View blur: Are you kidding me ?
All that fitting on the back of a business card ! Let's see how it works !
Vector class
#include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef int i;typedef float f;struct v{
f x,y,z;v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x
,y+r.y,z+r.z);}v operator*(f r){return
v(x*r,y*r,z*r);}f operator%(v r){return
x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}v(){}v operator^(v r
){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r.
y-y*r.x);}v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;}v
this));}};i G[]={247570,280596,280600,
249748,18578,18577,231184,16,16};f R(){
return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX;}i T(v o,v d,f
&t,v&n){t=1e9;i m=0;f p=-o.z/d.z;if(.01
<p)t=p,n=v(0,0,1),m=1;for(i k=19;k--;)
for(i j=9;j--;)if(G[j]&1<<k){v p=o+v(-k
,0,-j-4);f b=p%d,c=p%p-1,q=b*b-c;if(q>0
){f s=-b-sqrt(q);if(s<t&&s>.01)t=s,n=!(
p+d*t),m=2;}}return m;}v S(v o,v d){f t
;v n;i m=T(o,d,t,n);if(!m)return v(.7,
.6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4);v h=o+d*t,l=!(v(9+R(
),9+R(),16)+h*-1),r=d+n*(n%d*-2);f b=l%
n;if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n))b=0;f p=pow(l%r*(b
*.2+.1);}return v(p,p,p)+S(h,r)*.5;}i
main(){printf("P6 512 512 255 ");v g=!v
)*.002,c=(a+b)*-256+g;for(i y=512;y--;)
for(i x=512;x--;){v p(13,13,13);for(i r
=64;r--;){v t=a*(R()-.5)*99+b*(R()-.5)*
The main trick that helps reducing the code size dramatically it to use two define :
The other big space saver is the 'v' C++ class which is used for vector but also pixel processing. #include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> typedef int i; //Save space by using 'i' instead of 'int' typedef float f; //Save even more space by using 'f' instead of 'float' //Define a vector class with constructor and operator: 'v' struct v{ f x,y,z; // Vector has three float attributes. v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x,y+r.y,z+r.z);} //Vector add v operator*(f r){return v(x*r,y*r,z*r);} //Vector scaling f operator%(v r){return x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;} //Vector dot product v(){} //Empty constructor v operator^(v r){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r.y-y*r.x);} //Cross-product v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;} //Constructor v operator!(){return *this*(1 /sqrt(*this%*this));} // Used later for normalizing }; |
Random() and World database
#include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef int i;typedef float f;struct v{
f x,y,z;v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x
,y+r.y,z+r.z);}v operator*(f r){return
v(x*r,y*r,z*r);}f operator%(v r){return
x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}v(){}v operator^(v r
){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r.
y-y*r.x);}v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;}v
this));}};i G[]={247570,280596,280600,
249748,18578,18577,231184,16,16};f R(){
return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX;}i T(v o,v d,f
&t,v&n){t=1e9;i m=0;f p=-o.z/d.z;if(.01
<p)t=p,n=v(0,0,1),m=1;for(i k=19;k--;)
for(i j=9;j--;)if(G[j]&1<<k){v p=o+v(-k
,0,-j-4);f b=p%d,c=p%p-1,q=b*b-c;if(q>0
){f s=-b-sqrt(q);if(s<t&&s>.01)t=s,n=!(
p+d*t),m=2;}}return m;}v S(v o,v d){f t
;v n;i m=T(o,d,t,n);if(!m)return v(.7,
.6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4);v h=o+d*t,l=!(v(9+R(
),9+R(),16)+h*-1),r=d+n*(n%d*-2);f b=l%
n;if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n))b=0;f p=pow(l%r*(b
*.2+.1);}return v(p,p,p)+S(h,r)*.5;}i
main(){printf("P6 512 512 255 ");v g=!v
)*.002,c=(a+b)*-256+g;for(i y=512;y--;)
for(i x=512;x--;){v p(13,13,13);for(i r
=64;r--;){v t=a*(R()-.5)*99+b*(R()-.5)*
The next section also saves a lot of code by defining a R function that
return a random value within [0.0f-1.0f] . It is very useful for the stochastic sampling resulting
in blur and soft-shadows.The G array encodes the location of the spheres. The integers are interpreted as
9 lines and 19 columns bit vector.Here is the code formated, highlighted and commented : //The set of sphere positions describing the world. //Those integers are in fact bit vectors. i G[]={247570,280596,280600,249748,18578,18577,231184,16,16}; /* 16 1 16 1 231184 111 111 1 18577 1 1 1 1 1 18578 1 1 1 1 1 249748 1111 11111 1 1 280600 1 1 1 11 280596 1 1 1 1 1 247570 1111 111 1 1 */ // Random generator, return a float within range [0-1] f R(){return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX;} |
Main method
The main method uses a simple image file format known as PPM. It is text based with a ridiculously simple header:
followed by the RGB values for each pixels.
For each 512x512 pixels in the image, the program samples (S) the color of 64 rays, accumulates the result and write it to the output (stdout).
It applies a bit of random delta on each ray origin and ray direction in order to produce a nice Depth of View effect.
#include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef int i;typedef float f;struct v{
f x,y,z;v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x
,y+r.y,z+r.z);}v operator*(f r){return
v(x*r,y*r,z*r);}f operator%(v r){return
x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}v(){}v operator^(v r
){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r.
y-y*r.x);}v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;}v
this));}};i G[]={247570,280596,280600,
249748,18578,18577,231184,16,16};f R(){
return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX;}i T(v o,v d,f
&t,v&n){t=1e9;i m=0;f p=-o.z/d.z;if(.01
<p)t=p,n=v(0,0,1),m=1;for(i k=19;k--;)
for(i j=9;j--;)if(G[j]&1<<k){v p=o+v(-k
,0,-j-4);f b=p%d,c=p%p-1,q=b*b-c;if(q>0
){f s=-b-sqrt(q);if(s<t&&s>.01)t=s,n=!(
p+d*t),m=2;}}return m;}v S(v o,v d){f t
;v n;i m=T(o,d,t,n);if(!m)return v(.7,
.6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4);v h=o+d*t,l=!(v(9+R(
),9+R(),16)+h*-1),r=d+n*(n%d*-2);f b=l%
n;if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n))b=0;f p=pow(l%r*(b
*.2+.1);}return v(p,p,p)+S(h,r)*.5;}i
main(){printf("P6 512 512 255 ");v g=!v
)*.002,c=(a+b)*-256+g;for(i y=512;y--;)
for(i x=512;x--;){v p(13,13,13);for(i r
=64;r--;){v t=a*(R()-.5)*99+b*(R()-.5)*
// The main function. It generates a PPM image to stdout. // Usage of the program is hence: ./card > erk.ppm i main(){ printf("P6 512 512 255 "); // The PPM Header is issued // The '!' are for normalizing each vectors with ! operator. v g=!v(-6,-16,0), // Camera direction a=!(v(0,0,1)^g)*.002, // Camera up vector...Seem Z is pointing up :/ WTF ! b=!(g^a)*.002, // The right vector, obtained via traditional cross-product c=(a+b)*-256+g; // WTF ? See for(i y=512;y--;) //For each column for(i x=512;x--;){ //For each pixel in a line //Reuse the vector class to store not XYZ but a RGB pixel color v p(13,13,13); // Default pixel color is almost pitch black //Cast 64 rays per pixel (For blur (stochastic sampling) and soft-shadows. for(i r=64;r--;){ // The delta to apply to the origin of the view (For Depth of View blur). v t=a*(R()-.5)*99+b*(R()-.5)*99; // A little bit of delta // Set the camera focal point v(17,16,8) and Cast the ray // Accumulate the color returned in the p variable p=S(v(17,16,8)+t, //Ray Origin !(t*-1+(a*(R()+x)+b*(y+R())+c)*16) // Ray Direction with random deltas // for stochastic sampling )*3.5+p; // +p for color accumulation } printf("%c%c%c",(i)p.x,(i)p.y,(i)p.z); } } |
The Sampler (S) is a function that returns a pixel color for a given Point Origin (o) and Vector Direction (d). It is recursive if it hits
a sphere. If no sphere is hit by the ray (and a ray always ends up missing) then the function either returns a sky color gradient or a floor color based
on a checkerboard texture.
Remark the calls to R
when computing the light direction: This is how the soft-shadows are generated.
#include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef int i;typedef float f;struct v{
f x,y,z;v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x
,y+r.y,z+r.z);}v operator*(f r){return
v(x*r,y*r,z*r);}f operator%(v r){return
x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}v(){}v operator^(v r
){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r.
y-y*r.x);}v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;}v
this));}};i G[]={247570,280596,280600,
249748,18578,18577,231184,16,16};f R(){
return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX;}i T(v o,v d,f
&t,v&n){t=1e9;i m=0;f p=-o.z/d.z;if(.01
<p)t=p,n=v(0,0,1),m=1;for(i k=19;k--;)
for(i j=9;j--;)if(G[j]&1<<k){v p=o+v(-k
,0,-j-4);f b=p%d,c=p%p-1,q=b*b-c;if(q>0
){f s=-b-sqrt(q);if(s<t&&s>.01)t=s,n=!(
p+d*t),m=2;}}return m;}v S(v o,v d){f t
;v n;i m=T(o,d,t,n);if(!m)return v(.7,
.6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4);v h=o+d*t,l=!(v(9+R(
),9+R(),16)+h*-1),r=d+n*(n%d*-2);f b=l%
n;if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n))b=0;f p=pow(l%r*(b
*.2+.1);}return v(p,p,p)+S(h,r)*.5;}i
main(){printf("P6 512 512 255 ");v g=!v
)*.002,c=(a+b)*-256+g;for(i y=512;y--;)
for(i x=512;x--;){v p(13,13,13);for(i r
=64;r--;){v t=a*(R()-.5)*99+b*(R()-.5)*
// (S)ample the world and return the pixel color for // a ray passing by point o (Origin) and d (Direction) v S(v o,v d){ f t; v n; //Search for an intersection ray Vs World. i m=T(o,d,t,n); if(!m) // m==0 //No sphere found and the ray goes upward: Generate a sky color return v(.7,.6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4); //A sphere was maybe hit. v h=o+d*t, // h = intersection coordinate l=!(v(9+R(),9+R(),16)+h*-1), // 'l' = direction to light (random delta for shadows). r=d+n*(n%d*-2); // r = The half-vector //Calculated the lambertian factor f b=l%n; //Calculate illumination factor (lambertian coefficient > 0 or in shadow)? if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n)) b=0; // Calculate the color 'p' with diffuse and specular component f p=pow(l%r*(b>0),99); if(m&1){ //m == 1 h=h*.2; //No sphere was hit and the ray was going downward: Generate a floor color return((i)(ceil(h.x)+ceil(h.y))&1?v(3,1,1):v(3,3,3))*(b*.2+.1); } //m == 2 A sphere was hit. Cast an ray bouncing from the sphere surface. return v(p,p,p)+S(h,r)*.5; //Attenuate color by 50% since it is bouncing (* .5) } |
The Tracer is in charge of casting a Ray (Origin o ,Direction d). It return an integer that is a code for the intersection test with the spheres in the world (0=miss toward sky,1=miss toward floor, 2=sphere hit). If a sphere is hit, it updates the references t (the parametric value to compute the distance of intersection) and n (the half-vector where the ray bounce).
#include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef int i;typedef float f;struct v{
f x,y,z;v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x
,y+r.y,z+r.z);}v operator*(f r){return
v(x*r,y*r,z*r);}f operator%(v r){return
x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}v(){}v operator^(v r
){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r.
y-y*r.x);}v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;}v
this));}};i G[]={247570,280596,280600,
249748,18578,18577,231184,16,16};f R(){
return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX;}i T(v o,v d,f
&t,v&n){t=1e9;i m=0;f p=-o.z/d.z;if(.01
<p)t=p,n=v(0,0,1),m=1;for(i k=19;k--;)
for(i j=9;j--;)if(G[j]&1<<k){v p=o+v(-k
,0,-j-4);f b=p%d,c=p%p-1,q=b*b-c;if(q>0
){f s=-b-sqrt(q);if(s<t&&s>.01)t=s,n=!(
p+d*t),m=2;}}return m;}v S(v o,v d){f t
;v n;i m=T(o,d,t,n);if(!m)return v(.7,
.6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4);v h=o+d*t,l=!(v(9+R(
),9+R(),16)+h*-1),r=d+n*(n%d*-2);f b=l%
n;if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n))b=0;f p=pow(l%r*(b
*.2+.1);}return v(p,p,p)+S(h,r)*.5;}i
main(){printf("P6 512 512 255 ");v g=!v
)*.002,c=(a+b)*-256+g;for(i y=512;y--;)
for(i x=512;x--;){v p(13,13,13);for(i r
=64;r--;){v t=a*(R()-.5)*99+b*(R()-.5)*
//The intersection test for line [o,v]. // Return 2 if a hit was found (and also return distance t and bouncing ray n). // Return 0 if no hit was found but ray goes upward // Return 1 if no hit was found but ray goes downward i T(v o,v d,f& t,v& n){ t=1e9; i m=0; f p=-o.z/d.z; if(.01<p)› t=p,n=v(0,0,1),m=1; //The world is encoded in G, with 9 lines and 19 columns for(i k=19;k--;) //For each columns of objects for(i j=9;j--;) //For each line on that columns if(G[j]&1<<k){ //For this line j, is there a sphere at column i ? // There is a sphere but does the ray hits it ? v p=o+v(-k,0,-j-4); f b=p%d,c=p%p-1,q=b*b-c; //Does the ray hit the sphere ? if(q>0){ //It does, compute the distance camera-sphere f s=-b-sqrt(q); if(s<t && s>.01) // So far this is the minimum distance, save it. And also // compute the bouncing ray vector into 'n' t=s, n=!(p+d*t), m=2; } } return m; } |
The Leet Number
Many readers have tried to shorten the code further with more or less success. The original author stopped with the current version for
a very interesting reason:
$ wc card.cpp 35 95 1337 card.cpp
The total size of the code is 1337 bytes: The Leet number. Beat that !
Script kiddie
And now that the business card is fully understood, we can generate our own :
#include <stdlib.h> // card > aek.ppm #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> typedef int i;typedef float f;struct v{ f x,y,z;v operator+(v r){return v(x+r.x ,y+r.y,z+r.z);}v operator*(f r){ return v(x*r,y*r,z*r);}f operator%(v r){return x*r.x+y*r.y+z*r.z;}v(){}v operator^(v r ){return v(y*r.z-z*r.y,z*r.x-x*r.z,x*r. y-y*r.x);}v(f a,f b,f c){x=a;y=b;z=c;}v operator!(){return*this*(1/sqrt(*this%* this));}};i G[]={133022, 133266,133266, 133022, 254096, 131216, 131984, 131072, 258048,};f R(){return(f)rand()/RAND_MAX ;}i T(v o,v d,f&t,v&n){t=1e9;i m=0;f p= -o.z/d.z; if(.01<p)t=p, n=v(0,0,1),m=1; for(i k=19;k--;)for(i j=9;j--;)if(G[j]& 1<<k){v p=o+v(-k,0,-j-4);f b=p%d,c=p%p- 1,q=b*b-c;if(q>0){f s=-b-sqrt(q);if(s<t &&s>.01)t=s,n=!(p+d*t),m=2;}}return m;} v S(v o,v d){f t;v n;i m=T(o,d,t,n);if( !m)return v(.7,.6,1)*pow(1-d.z,4);v h=o +d*t,l=!(v(9+R(),9+R(),16)+h*-1),r=d+n* (n%d*-2);f b=l%n;if(b<0||T(h,l,t,n))b=0 ;f p=pow(l%r*(b>0),99);if(m&1){h=h*.2; return((i)(ceil(h.x)+ceil(h.y))&1?v(3,1 ,1):v(3,3,3))*(b*.2+.1);}return v(p,p,p )+S(h,r)*.5;}i main(){printf("P6 512 " "512 255 ");v g=!v(-6,-16,0),a=!(v(0,0, 1)^g)*.002,b=!(g^a)*.002,c=(a+b)*-256+g ;for(i y=512;y--;)for(i x=512;x--;){v p (9,9,9);for(i r=64;r--;){v t=a*(R()-.5) *99+b*(R()-.5)*99;p=S(v(17,16,8)+t,!(t* -1+(a*(R()+x)+b*(y+R())+c)*16))*3.5+p;} printf("%c%c%c",(i)p.x,(i)p.y,(i)p.z);}}

Recommended readings
Since I have spent as lot of time reading about raytracing, here are a few really good resources:
- : Great raytracer lessons written by professionals that have worked on Toy Story, Avatar, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean and many other movies.
- An Introduction to Ray Tracing : An old book but a Classic.
- Physically Based Rendering : Heavy on maths but really good and well explained.