March 9th, 2009

Quake Engine code review : Rendition (4/4)

Quake renderer is the module that took the most work during the initial development. It is extensivly described by Michael Abrash book and John Carmack's .plan files.

This article is in four parts :

Architecture section
Network section
Prediction section
Rendition section


The scene rendition process revolves around the map's BSP. I invite you to read more about Binary Space Partitioning on Wikipedia. In a nutshell, Quake maps are heavily pre-processed ; The volume is sliced recursively as in the following drawing:

The process generates a leafy BSP ( the rules are: choose an existing polygon as splitting plan and choose the splitter cutting the less polygons). After the BSP is generated, for each leaves is calculated the PVS (Potentially Visible Set). As an example: the leaf 4 can potentially see leave 7 and 9:

The resulting PVS for this leaf is stored as a bit vector:

Leaf Id12345678910111213141516
PVS for leaf 40001001010000000

This resulted in a global PVS size of about 5Mb, way too much for PC in 1996. The PVS is hence compressed via delta length compression.

Compressed PVS for leaf 43217

The Run-length encoded PVS only contains the number of 0s between the 1s. Although it may not look like a very efficient compression technique, the high number of leaves (32767), combined with a very limited set of visible leaves, brings down the size of the entire PVS to 20kB.

Pre-processing in action

Armed with the precalculated BPS and PVS, the engine's map rendition routine was simply:

Note: The BSP is used multiple times ex: to walk the map near to far for each active light and tag the polygons of the map.
Note2: In software rendition, the BSP is walked far to near.

Code analysis

The rendition code can be summarized as follow:

		|		R_Clear
		|		R_RenderScene
		|		|		R_SetupFrame
		|		|				Mod_PointInLeaf
		|		|		R_SetFrustum
		|		|		R_SetupGL
		|		|		R_MarkLeaves
		|		|		|		Mod_LeafPVS
		|		|		|				Mod_DecompressVis
		|		|		R_DrawWorld
		|		|		|		R_RecursiveWorldNode
		|		|		|		DrawTextureChains
		|		|		|		|		R_RenderBrushPoly
		|		|		|		|			DrawGLPoly
		|		|		|		R_BlendLightmaps
		|		|		S_ExtraUpdate
		|		|		R_DrawEntitiesOnList
		|		|		GL_DisableMultitexture
		|		|		R_RenderDlights
		|		|		R_DrawParticles
		|		R_DrawViewModel
		|			R_DrawAliasModel
		|		R_DrawWaterSurfaces
		|		R_PolyBlend



  1. GL_BeginRendering (Set variables (glx,gly,glwidth,glheight) later used in R_SetupGL to setup viewPort and projection matrix)
  2. SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (Decid console height : Why this is here and not in the 2D part ?! )
  3. V_RenderView (Render 3D scene)
  4. GL_Set2D (Switch to ortho projection (2D))
  5. SCR_TileClear
  6. Optionally draws a lot of 2D stuff, console, FPS metrics etc...
  7. V_UpdatePalette (name fit software renderer, in openGL this set the blending mode, according to damage received or active bonus etc making screen red or bright etc...). Value is stored in v_blend
  8. GL_EndRendering (Swap the buffer (double-buffering)!!)


  1. V_CalcRefdef (No idea sorry :) !)
  2. R_PushDlights Mark polygons with every light with effect on them(see note)
  3. R_RenderView

R_PushDlights calls a recursive method (R_MarkLights). It uses the BSP to mark (using an int bit vector) polygons affected by lights, BSP is walked near to far (from the light's POV). The method checks if light is active and if in range. R_MarkLights method is particulary noticable because we can find here Michael Abrash's direct application of distance point-plan article "Frames of Reference" (dist = DotProduct (light->origin, splitplane->normal) - splitplane->dist;) ).


  1. R_Clear (Clear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT and/or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT do only what is needed)
  2. R_RenderScene
  3. R_DrawViewModel (Render player model is we are in spectator mode)
  4. R_DrawWaterSurfaces (Switch to GL_BEND/GL_MODULATE mode to draw water. Warping is done via sin and cos lookup table from gl_warp.c)
  5. R_PolyBlend (Blend the entire screen with value set in V_UpdatePalette via v_blend. This is to show when we take damage (red), are under water or under bonus boost effect)


  1. R_SetupFrame(Retrieve the BSP leaf where the camera is, store it in variable "r_viewleaf" )
  2. R_SetFrustum (Setup the mplane_t frustum[4]. No near and far plane
  3. R_SetupGL (Setup GL_PROJECTION, GL_MODELVIEW, viewport and glCullFace side, also Rotate Y and Z axis as Quake z axis and x axis are switched with openGL. )
  4. R_MarkLeaves
  5. R_DrawWorld
  6. S_ExtraUpdate (Reset mouse location, take care of sound issues)
  7. R_DrawEntitiesOnList (Self-explained)
  8. GL_DisableMultitexture (Idem)
  9. R_RenderDlights (Light bubbles, light effects)
  10. R_DrawParticles (Explosions, Fire, Static, etc )

Notice the line: r_viewleaf = Mod_PointInLeaf (r_origin, cl.worldmodel);
This is where the Quake engine retrieves the leaf/node the camera is currently positioned in the BSP.

Mod_PointInLeaf can be found in model.c, it runs through the BSP (the BSP root is at model->nodes ).

For every node:


Variable r_viewleaf holding the camera location in the BSP (retrieved in R_SetupFrame), lookup (Mod_LeafPVS) and decompress (Mod_DecompressVis)the Potentially Visible Set (PVS.)
Then iterate on the bit vector and mark Potentialy visible nodes of the BSP with: node->visframe = r_visframecount.


  1. R_RecursiveWorldNode ( Walk the BSP world front to back, skipping Nodes not marked earlier (via R_MarkLeaves), populate cl.worldmodel->textures[]->texturechain list with the appropriate polygons.)
  2. DrawTextureChains ( Draw the list of polygons stored in texturechain: Iterating through cl.worldmodel->textures[]. This way, there is only one switch per material. Neat.)
  3. R_BlendLightmaps (Second pass used to blend the lightmaps in the framebuffer)


This part uses the openGL infamous "immediate mode", at the time it was probably considered "start of the art".

R_RecursiveWorldNode is where most of the surface culling is being done; A node is discarded if:

MDL format

The MDL format is a set of fixed frames, Quake engine does not interpolate vertex location to smooth animation (so higher frame rate do not makes models animation look better).

Some elegant things

Elegant leaf marking

The naive approach to mark a leaf of the BSP to be rendered would be to use a boolean isMarkedVisible and before each frame:

  1. Set all boolean to false.
  2. Iterate through the PVS and set visible leaf to true.
  3. Later, test leave with if (leave.isMarkedVisible)

Instead of this, Quake engine uses an integer to count the number of frame rendered (r_visframecount variable). This allow the step 1 to be skipped entirely:

  1. Iterate through the PVS and set visible leaf leaf.visframe = r_visframecount
  2. Later, test leave with if (leaf.visframe == r_visframecount)

Recursion avoidance

Found in R_SetupFrame, instead of going with a quick and dirty recursion to walk the BSP and retrieve the current position: a while loop is used.

	node = model->nodes;

	while (1)


		if (node->contents < 0)

			return (mleaf_t *)node;

		plane = node->plane;

		d = DotProduct (p,plane->normal) - plane->dist;

		if (d > 0)

			node = node->children[0];


			node = node->children[1];



Minimize texture switchs

In openGL, switch texture via (glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,id))is very expensive. In order to minimize switchs numbers, every polygon marked for rendition is stored in an array chain, indexed on the polygon's texture material.


Upon culling is done, the texturechains are drawn in order, this way there is N texture switchs where N is the total number of texture visible.

	int i;
	for ( i = 0; i < cl.worldmodel->textures_num ; i ++)

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